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Taking a Strategic Approach to Using Freelance Talent

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A new study by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, sponsored by Fiverr Business Solutions, explores the rising trend of freelance work in the U.S. 

As the nature of jobs and workforces continues to evolve, driven by factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the Great Resignation, and the increase in remote and hybrid work, companies are reevaluating the roles, skills, and structures needed for the future. Consequently, many organizations are turning to freelance workers for short-term and project-based work, a trend that is expected to continue.




Download Taking a Strategic Approach to Using Freelance Talent to learn:


  • How and where organizations will utilize contingent workers and who should oversee these efforts.
  • The most significant challenges when considering the hiring of freelancers, primarily related to finding freelancers with the necessary skills.
  • The role of Vendor Management Systems in providing assistance when working with contingent workers.


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